TLC at the Great Falls College is located in a secure building requiring a code to be manually entered into the pin pad to gain access to the building.
TLC BLC does not require a door code and has access full-time during hours of operation.
TLC discourages idling vehicles in parking areas, except if vehicles need to idle in extreme heat or cold to maintain interior or engine temperatures.
Notify the center as soon as possible, if your child will be absent on a scheduled day of attendance. With an absence of one week (5 consecutive days), your child’s slot will not be guaranteed unless the center has been notified.
Play clothes are recommended. We are careful but clothes do get dirty and/or stained, especially during mealtime, outdoor play, and doing art activities. All children need a change of clothes.
INFANTS & TODDLERS - The family supplies diapers. Children who are not completely toilet trained must be provided with an adequate change of clothes. Toilet training can begin at 18 months with family support. Pull-ups may prolong the potty-training process for children.
SUMMER OUTDOOR PLAY – All children should wear “closed toe” shoes such as tennis shoes for outdoor play to protect their feet. Sandals & flip-flops are hard to walk and run in.
WINTER OUTDOOR PLAY - Dress your child for the weather. All children aged one and up go outdoors in the winter. Each day send hats, boots, snow pants, and mittens.
A list of Community Resources is posted on the Parent Bulletin Board. Copies of the list are available on the sign-in/out desk and in the office. We also have resources that can be provided via email at the parents' request.
Data Collection
Our teachers have been trained by The TLC Center administrative team to utilize appropriate data collection and assessment tools that are authentic, ongoing observational systems for assessing children from birth through kindergarten. It helps teachers to observe children in the context of everyday experiences, which is an effective way to learn what they know and can do.
Data is collected weekly on a written observation log by teachers who are regularly assigned to that classroom. ECLTs and ECATs both contribute to the collection of data. Data may be collected individually, with a focus directed on a specific child, or it may be to document the interests of the group to inform the curriculum. All adults documenting and collecting data must have extensive knowledge of the children in which they are observing, and conduct observations using factual/nonbiased information.
Family/Teacher conferences are scheduled as needed. TLC Center teaching staff will formulate conference forms for each child twice yearly containing developmental progress, areas of strength, and areas of growth, as well as developmental goals as addressed by the teaching staff. Families who choose to attend conferences will be welcomed in creating and implementing developmental goals. It is the family’s choice to attend. If at any time you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher, please inform the administrative staff for arrangements. These conferences are the perfect time for families/guardians to ask questions or raise concerns for their child’s developmental needs, and individualization efforts taken to inform the curriculum.
The screening tool most regularly utilized at TLC Center is the ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire). It is a developmental screening tool that pinpoints developmental progress in children between the ages of one month to 5 ½ years of age. Its success lies in its parent-centric approach and inherent ease of use—a combination that has made it the most widely used developmental screener across the globe.
Evidence shows that the earlier development is assessed—the greater the chance a child has to reach his or her potential.
MELS and child Evaluation Information is included on the lesson plans and includes both individualized custom planning by the early educator as well as pre-made intentional teaching cards that draw from objectives to learning and core domains of learning.
Head Start Performance standards
Early Head Start -Assists with the implementation of T.S Gold and does regular curriculum assessments.
TPOT and TPITOS assessments are conducted by Family Connections as well as Head Start.
Stars to Quality Assessments review our curriculum and lesson implementation as a part of their ongoing assessment rating program.
One of the core purposes of assessment is to inform planning for overall program improvements.
All child/family information is kept confidential. Information concerning your child/family will not be shared with other families without your consent. Children’s records are made immediately available upon request to: Administrators and educators who have consent from a parent or legal guardian to access the records, the child’s parents or legal guardians, or regulatory authorities such as Montana Childcare Licensing.
Families may contact GFC @1 -406-771-4421. BLC families may contact the center at 406-45-6670. There are times when we are unavailable to answer the phone immediately. You may leave a message on voice mail. If it is urgent, please keep calling. The GFC director's email is BLC Director's email is, or the Executive Director can be reached at, and the owner can be reached at
Note paper is available next to the sign-in/out sheets for any written message you may want to leave for management or your child’s teacher. Give the message to any staff person or put it on the office desk.
The primary responsibility for raising young children rests with the parents/guardian and our role as childcare providers is to support and partner with the families in which we serve to best meet the ever-changing needs of the child.
Positive child guidance techniques used at TLC Center are one component of quality childcare that we take great pride in employing appropriately. We believe that all domains of learning are supported during play and through strong, positive interactions with adults. Promoting healthy social and emotional development, including self-control, is a fundamental responsibility of our program. No single child guidance technique will work for every child; therefore it is important for the teachers of TLC Center to be educated on best practices and a variety of techniques. The following guidance procedures are preventative, not punitive, and are designed to help children accept responsibility for their actions, exercise self-control, develop social consciousness, and acquire the skills necessary for lifelong success in the real world.
- Child guidance techniques are implemented consistently and appropriately, based on each child’s individual needs and the specific situation.
- Teachers and support staff routinely model respect, self-control, caring for others, and socially appropriate behavior.
- The learning environment is set up to encourage positive behavior and minimize frustration, with consistent routines and materials that can be accessed and put away independently.
- Children are encouraged to handle the natural consequences of behavior. For example, a child who spills their milk will be given a towel to assist in cleaning the mess. If a child rips a book, they will be given tape and asked to assist in fixing the damage they have done. This allows children to learn from experience and practice making amends for their choices.
- Smiles, high-fives, applause, and other forms of positive feedback are used to reinforce appropriate and socially acceptable behavior.
- Redirection to another activity is the primary technique used when inappropriate behavior occurs. Often this is all that is needed to self-correct the behavior.
- Talking through situations and problem-solving are used to help children discover more appropriate and socially acceptable ways to satisfy their needs.
- If physical or emotional harm to him/herself or others has occurred a child may be removed from the situation until the child has calmed. When calm, time will be spent discussing appropriate alternative behaviors.
- If a child is fussy, crying, or otherwise distraught staff will cuddle, hug, rock, and attempt to soothe the child until they are calm. No child will be ignored who is struggling emotionally.
- If a child consistently exhibits unacceptable behavior at TLC Center, or if you would like help with behaviors that occur at home, we will schedule a parent/teacher conference to discuss how to best meet the needs of the child.
- At all times, the child guidance procedure employed by TLC Center staff will be carried out in a loving and nurturing manner to encourage self-control, to teach self-respect, respect for others, and respect for property.
As a licensed facility, TLC Center will adhere to all licensing regulations pertaining to child guidance. We will never include punishment that is humiliating or frightening to a child such as hitting, spanking, shaking, verbal or sexual abuse, withholding or forcing food, or punishment for lapses in toilet learning. These forms of physical punishment are prohibited and will never be used, even at the request of a parent.
TLC staff will observe the children, and then identify events, activities, interactions, and other factors that predict and may contribute to challenging behavior.
Rather than focus only on eliminating the behavior, teaching staff shall focus on teaching the child social, communication, and emotional regulation skills and using environmental modifications, activity modifications, adult or peer support, and other teaching strategies to support the child’s appropriate behavior.
Teaching staff shall respond to challenging behavior, including physical aggression, in a manner that provides for the safety of the child and the safety of others in the classroom. Our response will be calm, and respectful and provide the child with information on what is acceptable behavior and what is not.
We will document challenging behaviors and the intervention methods that were attempted in a behavior tracking log in attempts to assess the function of the behavior. TLC Center will work with families and professionals to develop an individualized plan to address the behavior which will include positive behavior support strategies as part of the plan.
Teacher-parent discussions regarding a child’s behavior shall be held in private and shall focus on working as a team to develop and implement an individualized plan that supports the child’s inclusion and success.
If necessary, intervention shall ensure each child has access to professional services, such as referrals to the educational cooperative behavioral specialist, the ADE-funded regional support network for early autism identification, the community mental health center, and/or a private therapist.
In an emergency that we must evacuate the building, the children will be taken to the Great Falls College Campus. Listen to the radio station K99 (98.9 FM) as we will keep them informed as to what is happening and where we can be located. Both our public and private Facebook pages will be updated with information. Smart Care text messages will be sent to all families.
Each classroom is equipped with a YIKES folder, containing emergency response plans. TLC Center Staff are trained annually on the procedures and this information is available upon request for all enrolled families.
Please advise the TLC Center of any difficulty or crisis in your family that may affect the emotional well-being of your child. We would like to support you and your child in any way we can.
Families are encouraged to be involved in the center. The offering of your services is always welcome. Such as input in special events, hiring, policy development, building care, and repair. Families and relatives are welcome to join us at any time to:
* Share a meal with your child
* Share your talents, hobby, or profession
* Visit and observe in your child’s classroom
* Read to the children
* Volunteer in the classroom
* Join us for parties and celebrations
Should differences arise between families and the program, please notify a member of management so that we may begin conflict resolution procedures. TLC is always happy to receive constructive feedback and discuss questions, or concerns within the program. Management will make all appropriate efforts to mitigate any concerns and come to a written agreement between the program and enrolled families that will foster a mutual relationship of trust and respect.
If an enrolled family feels that their needs have not been met after making a written agreement, the owner may then be involved in a mediated meeting between the family and the management team to further discuss goals and options within the program, allowing for the family to be active participants in the program's policies and procedures as appropriate. This step will focus on intended outcomes, goals, and expectations and a timeline formulated for the necessary action steps to be taken.
Please contact the management with any questions or concerns you may have. We encourage families to keep the lines of communication open. For licensing concerns, contact TLC Center management or the licensing agency (DPHHS/QAD) at (406)444-3074.
Families will be notified in advance of field trip activities. No child will be able to participate in any field trip until a signed field trip permission slip is on file at the center. Proper child restraints are legally required for a child less than 6 years of age and 60 pounds. You must provide the car seat. Families are welcome to attend any field trips.
All forms must be completed prior to enrollment. Telephone numbers and address changes must be reported immediately. The center needs to be kept informed of how to contact the family at all times.
TLC Center is closed on the following days:
President’s Day (Feb.)
* Memorial Day (May)
* Independence Day (July)
* Labor Day (Sept.)
* Thanksgiving Day & the following Friday (Nov.)
* Various days between Christmas Day (Dec.) & New Year’s Day (Jan.)
TLC Center celebrates Holidays such as Easter, Halloween, and Christmas with classroom parties, songs, stories, arts & crafts, and/or programs. Treats may be sent for birthdays (cake, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, etc.). All children and families are invited to join in the festivities.
TLC Center is open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is a late fee for children picked up after 6:05 p.m.
TLC Center strives that each child’s care is based on individual strengths, interests, and needs by incorporating elements of each child’s culture, goals, and aspirations for their child through regular family input. TLC Center strives to ensure continuity of care between educator and child for nine months or more before moving to the next age grouping.
Children with a physician order/special medical management procedure for a child in care will have an adult trained in the procedure and this individual must be on-site whenever the child is present.
Serious injuries are reported to the family immediately. Minor cuts and abrasions are cared for by the staff. Families agree not to hold TLC Center or the staff responsible for illnesses or injuries that are beyond reasonable control to prevent. “Ouch Reports” are filled out if your child gets hurt during the day.
Let us know if you have any childcare licensing issues that need to be clarified. If you need to talk to our licensing agency they can be reached at the Department of Public Health and Human Services - Quality Assurance Division (DPHHS – QAD) at (406)444-3074.
Montana Childcare regulations state that any TLC Center staff member who has reason to suspect that a child is or has been abused or neglected is required to report the matter to the child abuse hotline at (866)820-5437 within 24 hours of receiving the information.
Any Staff member suspected of abuse or neglect will be immediately placed on unpaid administrative leave until they have been fully cleared by the appropriate authorities of any guilt. Staff found to be guilty of abuse or neglect will be terminated and reported to the appropriate authorities. Names of suspected individuals will not be shared with the enrolled families or other staff.
All children have a quiet time. Individual nap schedules are accommodated as necessary. Infants are on their own individual nap schedules. Children need one small blanket for nap/rest time. Cots and sheets are provided. Blankets & sheets are laundered weekly.
Newsletters are emailed monthly. Hard copies are available on the sign-in desk or can be sent home upon request. It includes Notes from the office, information about upcoming events, staff changes, birthdays, and classroom activities.
Check your Family Mailbox - below the sign-in/out desk - for the newsletter, notes, or messages from the office and/or teachers. Also, check the bulletin board by the entryway for posted information.
“Daily Care Logs” are sent home daily for children in diapers or pull-ups. They include when your child was changed, what and how much they ate and drank, and any supplies needed. Care logs are available upon request for older children.
TLC Center maintains an open-door policy for all currently enrolled families and relatives. Families and relatives are welcome and encouraged to drop in at any time during normal childcare hours. Please feel welcome to call and check on your child at any time during the day.
All children participate in the Preschool program. Activities include:
* Arts & Crafts
* Sensory Play
* Music & movement, songs, fingerplays
* Social Emontional activites *Stories
* Large & small motor skill
* Cooking activities
* Math & Science
According to Montana Child Care Licensing, the Early Childhood Services Bureau, and the Child Care Food Program each enrolled child must be checked in and out daily by a parent or other authorized person. Parents or other authorized adults must check-in/out using the Smartcare Kiosk or APP. If a child leaves the center and returns for a second time, they must be clocked out and back in.
Children can only be released to people listed on the “Authorized Pick Up” form. IDs may be requested.
Children are also checked in daily on the DAILY ATTENDANCE roll sheet in each classroom. Attendance records are kept in both electronic and paper format and are available to authorized agencies such as QAD-Licensing and CACFP.
Families/Guardians are encouraged to engage and to come into classrooms and check their child’s cubby daily, as well as check in with the teaching staff. Promoting back-and-forth conversation helps ensure that families/guardians are informed of center happenings as well as able to share pertinent information with the teaching staff regarding their child(ren). Interactions between families and staff are a critical component of communication between the center and enrollment.
TLC Center participates in the CACFP (Child & Adult Care Food Program). Individual feeding schedules and special diets are accommodated as necessary. Please report any food allergies and intolerances. Proper forms will need to be completed for these accommodations, please see the administrative staff.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
- mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410. - fax: (202) 690-7442; or
- email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Infants are on their own individual feeding schedule. Parent’s Choice (WalMart) and Members Mark (Sam’s Club) formula, baby cereal, and jarred foods are provided. Families may provide their own brand name formulas such as Similac and Enfamil. We encourage & support mothers who breastfeed and will feed expressed breast milk.
Children in attendance during meal time receive nutritious meals. Breakfast @ 8:30 am **Lunch @ 11:15 **Afternoon snack @ 2:30
All teachers must meet the Montana state childcare regulations. This includes current immunizations, CPR and 1st Aid certification, and a minimum of 16 hours of annual training.
Toys are not to be traded or borrowed without the center’s and family’s permission.
TLC Center and staff are not responsible for toys that get lost or broken that are brought from home.
Children are not allowed to watch TV. A DVD movie is occasionally watched for special occasions.
“Inclusion and participation are essential to human dignity and to the enjoyment and exercise of human rights. Within the field of education, this is reflected in the development of strategies that seek to bring about a genuine equalization of opportunity.” The Salamanca World Statement (UNESCO 1994:11) – signed by 92 governments (see p. 64 of Special Ed. Needs, Inclusion, and Diversity by Frederickson, N & Cline, Tony (2002)
TLC believes every child and family matters and therefore we need to recognize the social, economic, and cultural diversity within our community to ensure that no child or family enrolled ever feels excluded.
We strive to:
- Treat each child as an individual and respect ALL religions and cultures.
- Encourage positive role-models, displayed through toys, imagery within the classroom via books, posters etc. that promote non-stereotypical images.
- Encourage all children to join in activities such as dressing up, role play, dolls, riding bikes, etc. No child shall be excluded based on gender or cultural background.
- Celebrate festivals/holidays ensuring that we are inclusive of ALL children attending TLC.
- Welcome any parent/guardian or relative who would like to be involved in widening our education about personal cultures and beliefs relevant to the child’s homelife. This is ensured through our “Open Door” policy.
- Train all TLC Center staff on inclusion within the Early Childhood Education field.
- Never decline enrollment based on family dynamic, disabilities, cultural or religious beliefs.
- Consult all families about their social and cultural backgrounds so that they may feel confident that their culture will be reflected within the program, and that they will have opportunity to participate in the program and to feel valued and included.
- Partner with families to provide care that meets the child’s needs and is consistent with the family’s culture, beliefs and practices. Specific requests will be honored when practical to demonstrate respect and ensure continuity of care for the child.
The following Health Policy is mandated by the licensing agency (DPHHS/QAD).
Illness is a common occurrence whenever groups of children spend time together.
It is important for the center to exclude sick children to protect, as much as possible, the entire group. Changes may be made for such occurrences as pandemics. These changes then take precedence over previous policies.
The following signs and symptoms are our exclusion policy and serves to determine whether a child can remain at the center or be sent/kept home.
- A temperature over 101 degrees F. or greater is taken in the ear. An elevated temperature is usually a sign of illness and/or infection.
- EXCEPTION: Children with an immunization-related fever need not be excluded if they are able to participate in the daily routine.
- Any intestinal disturbance (an upset stomach accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhea) within the past 24 hours.
- The following infections warrant exclusion. Children must be treated with antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to child care:
- * Strep throat
- * Impetigo
- * Conjunctivitis (“Pink-eye” – a discharge, matting, or redness of the eye)
- Any undiagnosed rash over multiple parts of the body or any open, undiagnosed sores.
- Any frequent and/or severe coughing.
- 6. A child who is ill with any symptoms and is unable to participate in the usual childcare activities warrants that he/she should stay home.
A child too ill to participate in all activities including outside time is also too ill to attend childcare.
If your child becomes sick with a contagious illness such as the flu, strep throat, chickenpox, pink eye, etc. please inform the childcare promptly so we may notify the other families.
If at any time medication (including Tylenol & other OTC products) is to be administered to your child, the medication must be accompanied by a signed form from the parent. Prescription medication must be in the original container. The label must include:
1. Child’s Name
2. Name of the Medication
3. Date.
4. Dosage
Medication is stored in a locked medicine cabinet located in the kitchen and must be labeled with the child’s first and last name.
Fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol cannot be administered to keep a fever down.
Your support is appreciated to help us provide all families with a healthy childcare center as possible!